§ 30-79. Lighting requirements—Generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Lighting requirements for horse-drawn carriages operating in the city limits are established to make carriages as safe as possible for passengers and to enable vehicular traffic to see and avoid collisions with these carriages. A strong consideration for lighting requirements is the fact that carriages have no generators and must rely on battery power for their lights. Because of this, the use of commonly available bulb and lighting fixtures and reflectors are required.


    To avoid maintenance problems with batteries, it is suggested that operators utilize "deep cycle" batteries, such as those used in marine or RV applications. These batteries are only a suggestion and are not mandatory, although they will perform more efficiently than a standard automobile battery under the conditions for which they are used.

(Ord. No. O-93-12, Art. 9, § I, 11-18-93)